Thursday, July 22, 2010

Faster Than a Speeding ... um....well....

I can count on one hand the number of people I have passed when I have been out walking. Most of them have been in their 80's. One of them was a young couple walking a dog, but they were on a lover's stroll, so I am not sure that counts. I did thank them, however, as I breezed by, for being able to add them to my short list. (Really, I did. I know, it's embarrassing, but when your list is as short as mine, you appreciate the unlikely candidates to add to it.)

That is what makes tonight so amazing. In all, I passed 5 folks. Seven, if you count the two who were standing still, but even I won't count them. Okay 4, because one lady was waiting on her dog to finish doing "you know what." BUT, I WILL count the others, even if one was walking a dog whose legs were no more than 6 inches (hey, some of those little fellows move pretty fast).

I especially count the young college girl. Of course, she was wearing PINK KEDS, so I am fairly sure she was not too serious about being out there, but nonetheless, I took it as a valid "pass." I mean, she is not even close to elderly, didn't have a dog, and was walking alone, not with her head in the clouds. And, did I mention she was college aged? YES!

Really, I don't say any of that to depress the aged and infirm. Nor, am I making fun of walking fashion-istas. They WERE cute shoes, after all. What it is to say, is to point out that THIS is where I am starting from. When you have to count 80 year olds in the people you can walk faster than, there isn't much room to go but UP.

But you know, I am okay with that. Because, I am out there. Even if Weenie Dogs trot by me, at least I was out there to wave at them. And, I hope that in being out there, even being among the slowest, that I will be a person who is smiling and making the people out there with the back...proud that they are out there too.

And hey, if you are 80 and out there, you are my HERO, and I thank you for your example.

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