Friday, July 23, 2010

Walking Toward Health

Just because I am cancer free does not mean I am healthy. I don't want to make a big deal about this, and I don't mean to coming from a depressing point of view. But the honest truth is that this is what I am trying to keep in front of me as I take on the challenge of participating in the Cool Runnings Marathon group.

I could expound with a list, but I won't, not at this point. I think doing so would be both boring for you, and whining for me. But, let's just say that it has been my experience and the ongoing comment of my doctor, that my body went through a LOT during my breast cancer journey. And throughout the recovery period, I lost of strength in my muscles. Sometimes, it is rather alarming.

There has been a mental and emotional toll as well. I believe it is so intertwined with the physical issues that it is hard to separate. All I know, and what I am grasping for, is to live a healthy, productive, joy-filled life on a more consistent basis. And getting out there and walking, simple as it is, seems to help a lot. It seems to impact me first and the fastest emotionally, and I am trusting the physical will catch up.

This is what my blog title is all about. Finishing the journey toward health, now that I have finished the course through breast cancer. And what I need to ponder is this: My breast cancer journey was RICH. I would do it again in a heart beat. Why is this journey to complete health different? Why do I struggle with motivation, discipline, and seeing the richness in it as well? I think I need to look more deeply. Ponder it a while. And when something strikes me....or as I discover the beauty along the way, I will be sure to share it here.

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